Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Don’t’ you think we should protect MEN Too??


Gender discrimination is common in India. Indian Preamble which clearly states that there should be equality before Law & Equal protection of the Law, All people are equal in the eyes of Law. But does it really exist??
                      Honestly speaking “NO” not at all there is huge proportion of discrimination increasing day by day sometimes with men or sometimes with women. They both are not equal in many aspects. According to Law women are powerful and as per the family or social status men are powerful. Lot of people they argue that there are no rights and proper laws made for the women, social injustice etc etc… but actually it’s not so they both are weak on their own sides. Art. 14 the state shall not deny to any person equality before the Law or equal protection of the law within the territory of India. There shall not be any discrimination on the grounds of religion, race caste, sex or place of birth. The word Sex is implicitly mentioned in Indian constitution but never followed by anyone.


We won’t be able to find any single law for the benefit or protection of men. What if men are assaulted by wife or her relatives?? Can our law protect such poor men?? Is it just??
Nowadays many cases are coming ahead in which men are assaulted, tortured, sexually abused and harassed by their wives and their relatives. Which law will help such men?? None of the law can help them. If they are right then also people see them as if they are the culprits no one wants to know the facts if man’s name is there in any family case it is presumed that he is the only culprits.
      In many family cases men’s condition is worst than a woman if he is innocent then also he suffers a lot. He has to pay a compensation for his innocence and when matter goes out of control then we can see such men are either in asylum or in jail. This becomes their future.
    Equality should come in equal way. Man and woman are like a two wheeler of life’s vehicle which will not move in absence of any one wheeler. Men and women both are required for the good conduct of good society. We are performing our duty towards our mother but what about our father??


  1. An eye opening post. There is not a single law to protect men in case of domestic violence. In non-reciprocal violence women were the perpetrators in over 70% of the cases. Domestic Violence in India has details of domestic violence rates among men and women in India.

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